Monday, August 9, 2010

WWW 19

Winga’s Word of the Week is VULNERABILITY. I just looked it up and the definition is “susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm”… We live in a corrupt world that has forced us to have a hard exterior and that does not promote vulnerability and openness. When you’re vulnerable you are also susceptible to new and wonderful things that may not have come your way if you weren’t vulnerable and had on your battle gear. It’s alright to be vulnerable & down the wall. To expose the true you. My definition of vulnerability is the release of all inhibitions and exposure your organic self

WWW 18

Winga’s Word of the Week is FEAR. A lot of us make decisions in our life because we’re scared of change or the consequences.  We miss golden opportunities that may never come our way again. We’re scared of ourselves, our own potential and greatness. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” you can’t fully experience and enjoy life if your afraid, especially of yourself.  Take wise risks. Hold your own hand if need be. Don’t be scared of u! Enjoy the week. Xxoo

Monday, July 26, 2010

week17 WWW

This morning's Word of the Week is LOVE! "As a society, we are embarrassed by love. We treat it as if it were an obscenity. We reluctantly admit to it. Even saying the word makes us stumble & blush. Love is the most important thing in our lives, a pass for which we would fight or die, and yet we're reluctant to linger over its names."-Diana Ackerman. Learn how to LOVE. Enjoy your week. PEACE

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

week 16 WWW

This week's word is REFRESH. At any point in time we can start over if we want. You may be comfortable where u are but refreshing ur life exposes you to more options and possibilities. Don't get stuck in what feels safe and comfortable. Have a great week

Monday, July 12, 2010

week15 WWW

Good morning. This week's word is COMMUNICATION. Breath is a blessing, words are a blessing, our bodies are a blessing; use all three and you should be set. We were given voice boxes for a reason, why not use them. If you don't feel talking, you have your body and conveniently, technology! Communicating is the only way to survive in this world. We live with other people and reading minds just isn't realistic. Prevent mistakes, unhappiness and confusion just by communicating!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

week14 WWW

I know it's a bit late, but last week's word was HUMILITY. Know your worth, ability and acknowledge your accomplishments. However, it's unnecessary to brag and seek compliments and acknowledgments. There's a big difference between cocky and confident as well as not confident and humble. It's up to you to find the balance.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

week 13 WWW

This week's word is GIVE. Selfless unconditional giving is unbelievably much so that it's slightly selfish. We're constantly reminded to give so that we can just receive. But what happens when you just give and forget about the receiving? It's organic and what you receive may be greater that you expected. There MUST be a balance. Don't give until you have nothing left because that's just nonsensical! There should always be something left that you can give to yourself; be it physical items or things like inspiration and motivation.

Giving also has great karmic benefits! Who doesn't want good karma???

Thursday, June 17, 2010


There is absolutely no possibility for self evolution and progression if one does not devote at least a little bit of time to reflecting on their life. Evaluating the positive and negative events that have taken place and how we've dealt with them can only prepare us for future similar events. Don't make the same mistake twice...or even three times. It's a waste of valuable precious time that could have been spent in a more constructive manner. And all those tactics that you used in your most positive and productive moments need to be kept handy in your back pocket. Hold on to those secret weapons forever.

It's also beneficial to reflect on other people's lives. See what worked or didn't work. Our lives are only as hard as we make them!! All the secrets to a peaceful powerful prosperous and happy life are right in front of our they aren't really secrets. Just reflect!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Secrets are without a doubt one of the most lethal devices to demolish a community, a family and a person. We grow up thinking that secrets are supposed to exist. They are diseases that kill us if we keep them to ourselves, and they are more likely than not going to kill that one person who we confide in and tell the secrets to. And you wonder why so many people are in therapy and on psychiatric medication...

My point is that secrets are shackles that drag our feet when we try to walk and stop us from ever running, flying and soaring. In order to de-shackle ourselves we must eliminate these things called secrets. Get your voice back and'll keep you alive.

week 12 WWW

The feeling of when someone is able to pick themselves clean of all guards and restraints and just be able to trust is incredible! Being able to abort the need to hold on to secrets (infectious devices) has the ability to set a person free. They know that when they spread their fragile wings to fly, there will be someone to catch them if they fall for some reason. Trust is a gradual process, and when rushed can be extremely destructive to a person's life.
Trust with your heart
Trust smart
and be Trusted

Thursday, May 20, 2010

week11 WWW

The word of the week is PATIENCE. Amazing things come to those who wait. If you rush it, it'll be premature and not at it's best.

week10 WWW

The word of the week is RESPECT. U can't expect it if you don't give it...unconditionally.

week9 WWW

Word of the week is PROACTIVITY. create and control your life instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you. Dream and create. It's that simple!

week8 WWW

Word of the week is CHALLENGE. They're only there to test your strength! "Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory."-George Patton

Week7 WWW

Word of the week is APPRECIATION. We take way too much for granted. We Constantly neglect to acknowledge the extraordinary things and people in our lives...even the small things should be appreciated. Say thanx every now and then. It feels good to say it and even better to hear it.

week6 WWW

Winga's Word of the Week is GROWTH. We all encounter some sort of obstacle in our lives, one if not many. We experience it and the next steps should include learning and growing. It's called self improvement and not blaming the situation and those involved! Don't get stuck. Life's too short!
Have a great sprouting day

week5 WWW

The Word of the Week is AUTHENTICITY. The concept of truth is oh so simple yet we make it so complex. We all want honesty and integrity in our lives however, we often forget that we have to start with the self. It's really cliche but honesty will set you free. That's the truth.

week4 WWW

Word of the week is FOCUS. It's almost summer, spring fever is in the air and it's contagious. Make sure your priorities are straight. Have a mind set that there's no room to be lax and potentially mess up.

week3 WWW

Word of the week is SUPPORT. Make sure it's genuine and from those who have your best interest in mind. Seek it when needed and remember to give it

week2 WWW

Word of the week is REJUVENATION. Take a break for some me time, relax and restore the best part of u...and then get back on that grind bigger badder and better ;)